Conversion Rate Optimization

AKA: How to get more sales from the traffic you’re already getting

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Are you regularly getting traffic to your website, but still strugling to make sales?

You might be getting a decent amount of traffic to your website, but that traffic doesn’t really mean anything if it’s not converting into paying customers.

That’s where CRO comes in.

CRO is the process of increasing your website visitors and have them perform an action that benefits your business. This could be anything from subscribing to your email list, booking an appointment, or purchasing your products. A conversion takes different forms depending on the goal of your website. As a whole, however, they can be categorized into two groups – macro conversions and micro conversions. A macro conversion is your primary goal and that is for customers to purchase your product, subscribe to your service, or request a quote.

CRO has nothing to do with buying more traffic.


If you have a low conversion rate, it means that people are coming to your website or landing page,  but something is stopping them from taking whatever action you want them to take. This means that just buying more traffic doesn’t really accomplish anything, because it doesn’t solve the underlying problem.

No matter how good your Google/Facebook Ads or SEO are If you send people to a website or landing page that has poor CRO, it will be a waste of both time and money.

The Best case scenario: They’ll just leave your website immediately

The Worse case scenario: Google’s algorithm will see that a lot of people are immediately leaving your site, and will punish you by either ranking you lower in the SERPs (for SEO) or by charging you significantly more for clicks (for PPC advertising).

Remember, Google and Facebook Both Make The Vast Majority of Their Money From Running ads.


And the reason they both make so much money from their ads is because millions upon millions of people use their websites every single day. If Google started serving search results or ads that didn’t help people find what they were looking for, people would stop using google which in turn would cause them to lose money. The same goes for Facebook. CRO benefits your business whether you’re doing SEO or PPC.


How Does Conversion Rate Optimization Help Your Business?

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) powers up your marketing strategy not only in terms of website traffic but also in improving your customer service, building your brand, and in increasing your revenue.

Here are other specific benefits of a good CRO strategy:

  • Helps you scale your business easier. Any business have lean seasons and this can greatly affect your revenue. However, with the right conversion rate optimization strategy, helps you turn visitors into customers. You can grow your business and increase your customers without breaking the bank.
  • Improves user experience. If your visitors can easily navigate your website, they will stay longer. CRO shows you what works and what doesn’t on your website. By studying the data, you understand what creates a better user experience and you can improve it. When they feel smarter and empowered as they interact with your site and your brand, they will not just be converts but evangelists of your brand as well.
  • Builds customer trust. Aside from your customers, your website is your product’s primary sales representative. Therefore, you have to make sure it looks presentable, professional, and personable. It should also answer all the important questions your visitors and customers have. Through this, you build customer trust.
  • Increases ROI. If customers trust you and they experienced an excellent customer service, they will feel secure in sharing their personal information, their email, or their credit card. As more people convert, so does your ROI.



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